A free letter builder for tenant advocacy
Targeted improvements for NYC tenants with persistent repair issues
The Letter of Complaint is a free tool by JustFix that allows tenants to escalate their concerns in a fast and effective way. I did an audit of the free service and worked on targeted improvements based on these goals:
Service blueprint and content strategy
I created a service blueprint and a diagram of all touch points across web, email and SMS. This identified gaps in the experience and areas where information was out of date, inconsistent or ineffective.
Then I wrote and tested text messages and emails so that key information is delivered at just the right time.
Know your rights
I led a few workshops so the team could decide on what “Know Your Rights” information to include at each stage in the process, and how to tailor it to different types of tenants.
Once we had an idea of what to communicate and when, I got to work on revising content and redesigning specific pages. See below for a few examples:
This work is ongoing, contact me for more information. Created in collaboration with Mallory Frye, Johanna Monge and Angela Stowell